Anxiety Warrior program

Moving you from worrier to warrior

If you have been struggling with anxiety hoping it will go away and not knowing what to do then now is the time to do something. You are worthy of feeling good and being able to do all the things you love to do in comfort.

 I get how it feels the intense discomfort making you want to run away, the sweaty palms and pounding heart, dry mouth and brain fog. The list of symptoms can go on and on. You are important and you can take back control and regain a sense of calm.

We all live in a fast paced world and modern day living can be stressful. You can empower yourself and learn to manage the anxiety, anxiety does not define you.

 Over the course I offer, you will build up a tool kit and become more resilient by creating new healthy habits that support you. Video and a workbook will guide you through each module.

The modules are delivered weekly but, there is no rush to complete the module in that week. You can take your time and go at your own pace moving onto the next module when you are ready. You can at any time go back to your favourite recordings or exercises to continue working on that anxiety. 

Course Summary

This course is to help you move from negative overwhelm and intense worry, anxiety can become crippling and can have a negative impact on our health and wellbeing spilling over into all areas of life. Anxiety can range from mild to severe and can be experienced through thoughts, feelings and physical sensations.

Are you done with anxiety and ready to takeback control? Come and join the 6 week course and learn the skills to create your own toolkit to move from worrier to warrior. All live calls are to be recorded so you have the benefit of working over the modules again.

It's a 6-week course that you can work through at your own pace including live classes and a workbook to follow through. You will learn what anxiety is and why we have it. Tracy helps you to release  anxiety stepping into becoming a warrior and less of a worrier. working through exercises to bring balance back to you. The benefits are a calmer, clear headed you that can do all the things you would love to do in comfort. 

Who this course is for

This course is for you if:

  • You have noticed you are doing less and less because of anxiety 
  • You often have the feeling of dread in a new situation or even an old situation
  • You often feel fearful and become overwhelmed
  • You have had enough of anxiety an want to overcome it

'I now have a toolkit of go to techniques to work on anxiety'

Benefits of this course

  • Increased confidence
  • Increased self trust
  • Increased sense of calm control
  • Working with a group and being more accountable
  • You can go at your own pace 
  • There are live calls as well as recorded material and a workbook to follow through

What's not to love, nothing to lose only the intense uncomfortable anxiety. Take charge and make your 1st step into being a more calm and confident you by enrolling now. This is your time now, push those boundaries and step into the safe place of this program. Working on your own personal development is so empowering. 

Here is what is included

  • 6 modules delivered one a week
  • A workbook for each module
  • Hypnotic audio recordings
  • Worksheets in your workbook
  • Video to follow
  • No pressure to complete in 6 weeks - go at your own pace

'It was so easy to follow and I love the hypnotic audios'


Tracy has a successful practice working with clients helping them achieve their best life without fears and anxiety. Tracy helps you to regain control over your emotions, thoughts, and feelings. Life can throw things at us we were not ready for and did not expect, Tracy gives you the tools to respond in such a way so that you can cope. She utilises Hypnotherapy, Emotional Freedom Technique, meditation, and coaching to help clients overcome fears, anxiety, build confidence, resilience, and more so you can go on and live a more fulfilled life. Tracy describes herself as your emotional baggage handler and has featured on BBC Radio Sheffield sharing her insights into making a change and living an emotionally healthy life. She works a lot with anxiety and loves to see the transformation taking clients from a place of worry to a place of calm confidence.

Her belief is that we can keep things simple and succeed, we often complicate things because we believe it should be difficult. Her secret? One step at a time and keep moving.

You can find Tracy at her happiest out with nature whether that be in her garden which is her sanctuary or on top of the moors, or somewhere near the sea.

Here are some of the comments from completion of the course:
'I really didn't have time to take on anything else but, I knew I needed to do something to tackle anxiety and I am so glad I did'

'I now wake up in the morning without the feeling of dread'

'I am sleeping better'

'I have found out so much about myself and where the anxiety has come from'

'I now have a toolkit of go to techniques to work on anxiety'

'I have enjoyed the recordings and have a few favourites that I keep returning to'

Enroll now below!

Course Pricing

Anxiety Warrior


  • 6 week program to move from worrier to warrior including workbook recordings and live calls

    • 6 modules
    • Supporting workbooks
    • Powerful Hypnotic audios
    • Video guides
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